Statutory Cells

Committee for SC/ST

The institution is committed to maintain an inclusive environment for the students and takes utmost interest in facilitating financial support/scholarships and career guidance to the students belonging to SC/ST. The Cell’s primary purpose is to implement and monitor policies and programs related to the welfare and upliftment of Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) in accordance with Government guidelines. The cell plays a crucial role in promoting social justice, equality, and inclusiveness by addressing the challenges faced.


  • To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
  • Guide the SC/ST/ students of the Institution, to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the State Governments, Government of India.
  • Sensitize the students about the Constitutional mandates and its functioning
  • To equip the students to reach academic excellence.
  • To circulate State Govt. and UGC's decisions about different scholarship programs.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Implementation of Reservation Policies.
  • Scholarship and Financial Support
  • Awareness and Sensitization
  • Complaint Redressal
  • To establish support services
  • Coordination with Government Agencies

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Schedule Caste & Schedule Tribe Committee Member
Asst. Prof.Asha S
Composition of Committee for SC/ST 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, Chairperson
2 Dr. Poornima S HOD, Kannada, Co-ordinator
3 Assoc Prof Punitha G HOD, Commerce, E-attestation Officer
4 Assoc. Prof. Bhuvaneshwari R S IQAC Co-ordinatoor, E-attestation Officer
5 Asst. Prof. Asha S Student Welfare Officer, E-attestation Officer
6 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Office Superintendent, Checker
7 Kum. Dhakshayani. R K Office Assistant, Maker

Minority Cell

The College’s Minority Cell is established to foster the welfare and advancement of minority communities in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The Minority Cell of the college is formed with the purpose of empowering the students belonging to the minority sections in the college, i.e Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Parsees, Muslims, and Sikhs etc. for their overall academic development. The cell enables to build Equity, Equality and Access to all members of minority group.


  • To facilitate the admission and academic support of students belonging to minority communities.
  • To circulate State Govt. and UGC's decisions about different scholarship programs.
  • Guide the Minority students of the Institution, to optimally utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the State Governments, Government of India.
  • To promote cultural and religious diversity within the campus and celebrate the rich heritage of minority communities.
  • To address grievances and concerns of minority students and ensure a harmonious learning environment.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To provide support during Admissions
  • To organize awareness sessions regarding the constitutional mandates
  • To address and solve the grievances
  • Accountable for the overall reporting

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Minority Cell - Member
Asst. Prof.Asha S
Composition of Committee for Minority Cell 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, Chairperson
2 Dr. Poornima S HOD, Kannada, Co-ordinator
3 Assoc Prof Punitha G HOD, Commerce, E-attestation Officer
4 Assoc. Prof. Bhuvaneshwari R S IQAC Co-ordinatoor, E-attestation Officer
5 Asst. Prof. Asha S Student Welfare Officer, E-attestation Officer
6 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Office Superintendent, Checker
7 Kum. Dhakshayani. R K Office Assistant, Maker

Grievance Redressal Committee

The Student Grievance Redressal Cell is dedicated to addressing concerns raised by students to foster an inclusive and conducive learning environment within the institution. Students have the option to submit their grievances, whether related to academics or non-academic matters, through both online and offline channels.


  • To cultivate a harmonious atmosphere among students on the college campus.
  • To ensure prompt, responsive, and accountable resolution of grievances to maintain harmony within the college community.
  • To encourage students to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal or victimization.
  • To promote mutual respect for the rights and dignity of every member of the college community.
  • To guarantee an impartial and just approach to effectively resolve students' grievances.


  • Aggrieved parties have to write the complaint and submit the same along with necessary supporting documents (If any), for further course of action and redressal.
  • The cell convener and members shall listen to the complainant and any other parties involved in the case in order to comprehend their points of view and resolve the matter impartially.
  • The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within 7 working days.

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Composition of Committee for Grievance Redressal 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, SICM
2 Dr. Kavitha B Convenor, Parikrama Student Welfare Officer, Department of Sanskrit
3 Capt. R Chikkarangaswamy Anti-ragging squad, Department of Sports and NCC
4 Prof. Lakshminarayana Anti-ragging squad, Department of Kannada
5 Asst. Prof. Swathi N Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
6 Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
7 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Member, Officer Superintendent

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Prevention of Sexual Harassment/Internal Complaint Committee

The Institution is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for its staff and students; to achieve this it has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in accordance with the UGC Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2015. Committed to upholding the UGC statutes, we actively promote measures to ensure the safety, well-being, and dignity of our employees. We firmly uphold a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment, working tirelessly to create a campus where discrimination, harassment, or sexual assault is never tolerated at any level.


  • To create a safe and congenial atmosphere within the institution that fosters trust and confidence among staff and students.
  • Ensure strict compliance with the UGC Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2015.
  • Organize and facilitate programs and initiatives aimed at promoting gender sensitization and awareness among the institution's community members.
  • Implement and enforce disciplinary actions against any form of sexual harassment, ensuring that the rights and dignity of the complainant are upheld.
  • Address physical, mental, and emotional health concerns of individuals within the institution, providing support and resources as needed.
  • Ensure the provision of necessary resources to enable the effective functioning of the ICC and to support victims of harassment.
  • Guarantee confidentiality and fairness in the complaint redressal process, prioritizing the well-being of the complainant while maintaining due process.
  • Raise awareness among staff and students about their rights and responsibilities regarding issues related to sexual harassment.

Complaint Procedure

  • The aggrieved individual must submit a written complaint to the ICC within three months from the incident's occurrence.
  • Complaints must be resolved within 90 days, and any delays must be discussed with the ICC, providing reasons for the extension.
  • It's essential to emphasize that a written complaint with the full name and details of the aggrieved person is mandatory to initiate any action under this Policy or the Act. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
  • In cases where the complainant cannot file the complaint personally, legal heirs, parents, spouse, children, or siblings are authorized to file the complaint on their behalf.

Designated Facilities for Women on Campus

  • The campus is under CCTV surveillance to ensure safety for all students, with a focus on women's safety.
  • We have Statutory Cell: Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) as per UGC Guidelines.
  • Sensitive information related to female students' is kept confidential.
  • A dedicated staircase is allotted for female students, ensuring security and comfort during movement.
  • Girl students can express grievance through the suggestion box and college website.
  • The college in association with Edmedtec International LLP, provides sanitary pad dispensers and incinerator facilities in our campus.
  • We have well-maintained toilets, separate dustbins for menstrual pad disposals, promoting a hygienic environment.
  • Female NCC cadets have a change room to meet their needs.
  • A sick room to cater to the comfort of female students.
  • Regular awareness sessions on women's menstrual and pregnancy health care.

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Anti-Ragging Cell, Discipline and Student Welfare, Internal Squad, Human Rights Protection Cell Members
Dr. Kavitha B
Asst. Prof. Swathi N
Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M
Composition of Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment/Internal Complaint 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, SICM
2 Dr. Kavitha B Convenor, Parikrama Student Welfare Officer, Department of Sanskrit
3 Capt. R Chikkarangaswamy Anti-ragging squad, Department of Sports and NCC
4 Prof. Lakshminarayana Anti-ragging squad, Department of Kannada
5 Asst. Prof. Swathi N Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
6 Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
7 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Member, Officer Superintendent

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OBC Cell

The College’s OBC Cell is established to promote the welfare and advancement of Other Backward Classes (OBC) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. In compliance with the University Grants Commission's XI plan rules, a dedicated cell to monitor the activities of the institution's Other Backward Class students and employees was formed on December 10, 2022. All students who are a part of the community should feel secure and respected. The College is committed to create a setting that values diversity and respects people of all races, religions, castes, and traditions.


  • To facilitate the admission and academic support of OBC students.
  • To create awareness and provide information about government policies, scholarships, and opportunities available to OBC students.
  • To address grievances and concerns of OBC students and ensure a conducive learning environment.
  • To promote diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities within the campus.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To provide support during Admissions
  • To organize awareness sessions regarding the constitutional mandates
  • To address and solve the grievances
  • Accountable for the overall reporting

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Other Backward Cell Member
Kumkum Kadam
Composition of Committee for OBC Cell 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, Chairperson
2 Dr. Poornima S HOD, Kannada, Co-ordinator
3 Assoc Prof Punitha G HOD, Commerce, E-attestation Officer
4 Assoc. Prof. Bhuvaneshwari R S IQAC Co-ordinatoor, E-attestation Officer
5 Asst. Prof. Asha S Student Welfare Officer, E-attestation Officer
6 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Office Superintendent, Checker
7 Kum. Dhakshayani. R K Office Assistant, Maker

Parikrama -Anti-Ragging, Discipline and Student Welfare

The forum aims at inculcating discipline among the students and to take appropriate action against those who are violating them. The forum also organizes awareness sessions on anti-ragging and behavioral etiquettes.

The Discipline and Anti-Ragging Cell, established according to the regulations of the UGC, is the moral police of our college. The Cell's responsibility is to ensure that students maintain discipline in the classrooms and within the college campus. Members of the cell regularly go on rounds to each and every classroom to make note of errant behavior and to make sure that the college campus is free from ragging and eve-teasing.

The Cell aims at inculcating discipline among the students and to take appropriate action against those who are violating them. The forum also organizes awareness sessions on anti-ragging and behavioural etiquettes.


  • To educate students regarding discipline to be maintained in the college campus.
  • To educate students about laws and policies regarding Anti ragging.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Maintaining discipline in and around the campus.
  • Educate students about legal issues relating to Ragging and Sexual Harassment.
  • Constant follow-up regarding the disciplinary issues.
  • Counselling students and parents regarding code of conduct during admission.
  • Taking disciplinary actions against the unexpected behaviours of the students.

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

National Women Helpline Number - 18001805522

Emergency Help-Line Number -

It is mandatory for all the students and parents to submit an affidavit in the prescribed format given on and submit the affidavit.

Capt. R Chikkaragaswamy
Assoc. Prof. Pramod A V
Composition of Committee for Parikrama -Anti-Ragging, Discipline and Student Welfare 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, SICM
2 Dr. Kavitha B Convenor, Parikrama Student Welfare Officer, Department of Sanskrit
3 Capt. R Chikkarangaswamy Anti-ragging squad, Department of Sports and NCC
4 Prof. Lakshminarayana Anti-ragging squad, Department of Kannada
5 Asst. Prof. Swathi N Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
6 Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
7 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Member, Officer Superintendent

Equal Opportunity Cell

The Equal Opportunities Cell (EOC) is established to preserve the principles of equal opportunities, inclusivity, and diversity within our organization. Individuals with disabilities and marginalized communities often face significant challenges due to disabling environments and socio-cultural and economic barriers. Discrimination based on disability, physical limitations represents a severe violation of principles of equality, human rights, and constitutional obligations. The Equal Opportunities Cell (EOC) is established to preserve the principles of equal opportunities, inclusivity, and diversity within our organization. Individuals with disabilities and marginalized communities often face significant challenges due to disabling environments and socio-cultural and economic barriers. Discrimination based on disability, physical limitations represents a severe violation of principles of equality, human rights, and constitutional obligations.

The Equal Opportunities Cell (EOC) is dedicated to promoting affirmative action for marginalized sections of society, including individuals who are not eligible for scholarships belonging to SC, ST, OBC categories, religious and linguistic minorities, differently-abled individuals, and women.


  • To promote equal opportunities
  • To prevent all sorts of discrimination
  • To facilitate inclusive environment
  • To conduct awareness sessions on rights in line with the constitution.

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Equal Opportunity Cell Member
Kumkum Kadam
Composition of Committee for Equal Opportunity Cell 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, SICM
2 Dr. Kavitha B Convenor, Parikrama Student Welfare Officer, Department of Sanskrit
3 Capt. R Chikkarangaswamy Anti-ragging squad, Department of Sports and NCC
4 Prof. Lakshminarayana Anti-ragging squad, Department of Kannada
5 Asst. Prof. Swathi N Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
6 Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
7 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Member, Officer Superintendent

ANKURA - Women Empowerment Cell

Ankura is a proactive forum to empower women with acquisition of knowledge and awareness of Self- Action to be taken for empowerment. It focuses on bringing about a major paradigm shift in the gender equation by organizing awareness programmes in the four quadrants of life-work, family, self and others, thus instilling the confidence to aim for a fulfilling life.

Motto: Power to Flower


  • To create and maintain safe, healthy and supportive environment for women and girl students in the campus.
  • To address issues faced by women at work place and to organize awareness generation programs and to take preventive steps towards protection of women staff / female students from sexual harassment in the college.
  • To have an Anti-sexual harassment Committee and create awareness about harassment and measures to be taken by women to prevent them.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Guiding and encouraging students towards empowerment.
  • Empowering students by training them through Self Defense Programs.
  • Encouraging students to volunteer and take up lead role in the events, to build up leadership quality.
  • To educate students about the facilities available for women.
  • To educate students about Sexual Harassment and legal provisions for the Redressal methodology for the affected.
Composition of Committee for ANKURA - Women Empowerment Cell 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya. Shivannavar Principal, Chairperson
2 Asst. Prof. Kavitha B Convener

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Human Rights Protection Cell

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Nelson Mandela, Civil Rights Activist

Human Rights Protection cell was formed in our college during the academic year 2020-2021. The cell aims at creating awareness about human rights among the faculties and students. It also aims at overall development of the students and to enable and empower them to lead a decent and dignified life without infringing the rights of others.

Motto: Educate, Empower and Enable.


  • To create awareness about human rights among the faculties, staffs and students through Seminars and workshops.
  • To create sensitivity and enhance the knowledge of human rights among the people in and around the college by organizing various awareness programmes.
  • Empower and encourage students to exercise their rights and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.
  • To make our students as a good citizen of our country.
  • Provide an inter-disciplinary approach and critical insight to contemporary issues of human rights with ethics and values.

Roles and Responsibility

  • To foster a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and rights of each individual.
  • To prevent, report and discourage discrimination and harassment by others.
  • To uplift the universal responsibilities of human beings in the society such as ethnicity, nationality, religion or sex.

Annual Report and Minutes of the Meeting

Composition of Committee for Human Rights Protection Cell 2024-25
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya Shivannavar Principal, SICM
2 Dr. Kavitha B Convenor, Parikrama Student Welfare Officer, Department of Sanskrit
3 Capt. R Chikkarangaswamy Anti-ragging squad, Department of Sports and NCC
4 Prof. Lakshminarayana Anti-ragging squad, Department of Kannada
5 Asst. Prof. Swathi N Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
6 Asst. Prof. Sundaresh M Co-Convener, Parikrama Department of Commerce & Management
7 Smt. Kumkum Kadam Member, Officer Superintendent

Internal Compliance Committee

The committee supervises mandatory external agency compliance internal information independently in association with other committees. The aim of the committee is to prevent institution from all administrative lacunae's and ensuring smooth functioning with fine tuning of operations.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Annual report submission to university.
  • Supervision of LIC compliance report prepared by the Staff Secretary and submission to university.
  • Timely submission of confidential reports to all internal and external agencies in co-ordination with the Principal.
  • Necessary preparations for inspection visits from external agencies in association with staff secretary.
  • Monitor the Calendar of Events planning and its implementation.
Internal Compliance Committee Member
Assoc. Prof. Suresh R B
Composition of Committee for Internal Compliance 2024-25
Name Designation
1 Prof. Vidya. Shivannavar Principal, Chairperson
2 Assoc. Prof. Suresh R B Student Welfare Officer