Department of Sanskrit

Dr. Kavitha B
M.A, B.Ed, M.Phil, KSET, Ph.D

Head of the Department's Message

“भाषासु मुख्या मधुरा दिव्या गीर्वाणभारती” इति प्रसिद्धा संस्कृतभाषा भारतीयानां जीवनसंस्कृतेः मूलस्तम्भो विद्यते । अनया भाषया एव समस्तभारतीयपरम्परायाः सर्वोन्नतस्रोतः प्रवहति । वयमपि संस्कृतभाषा द्वारा समर्थशिक्षणप्रसरणे बद्धकङ्कणाः । प्राचीन-अर्वाचीनशिक्षणयोः अध्ययन-अध्ययनेSपि च सर्वथा कृतपरिश्रमाः वयम् । जीयात् संस्कृतभारती । जयतु भारतमातरम् ।

About the Department

Established in 2005, the Department of Sanskrit at SICM promotes the appreciation of this rich and scientific language, crucial to the understanding of several Indian cultural, philosophical and religious traditions. The core areas of the course are Vedic and Upanishadic extracts, history of ancient Indian cultures, philosophy, and Arthashastra. The Department provides the good foundation in various areas of Indian literature and values. The Department tries to make our students learn and understand more about the importance of literature, learning practices and life values.

The faculty approaches the study of Sanskrit not merely as a language but as a subject that sensitizes students to its role as a repository of Indian culture, ethical values. Faculty members also encourage fluency in speaking the language. The learning of students is enriched in various ways through a number of educational activities conducted within and outside the department. The department of Sanskrit has always been proactive and has invited eminent scholars to disseminate their knowledge and their expertise on the occasion of Sanskrit Day celebrations.

The Department provides the Sanskrit courses for B.Com and BBA as per the Bengaluru City University syllabus. The B.Com and BBA courses covers the Sanskrit literature, ancient economy concepts, philosophy, poetry, prose, plays, tradition and analytical systems of ancient wisdom, mythological and historical events and also applied grammar parts.

Sanskrit House is a part of BHASHA SANGAMA Forum. The department publishes the various articles in 'Bhashabhivyakthi' a half yearly language newsletter and invite the research papers for Erudite- Multidisciplinary National Conference and publishes the research papers in ISBN and a peer reviewed Annual Research Journal ISSN publication. The department regularly organizes language events, orientations or workshops and webinars. Department has good number of text books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books at college Library.